Egypt: A Sophisticated Beauty.
Is known around the mythical beauty of the queens of ancient Egypt and how the Egyptians embalmed their pharaohs. These two factors prompted a large cult toward beauty and cosmetics, mainly in the Pharaonic court. Among these items were ivory combs, creams, pigment black for the eyes, dust, etc., In small containers in which were recorded instructions for use. The refinement of the aesthetic care was huge. Secret formulas embellished the Queens of Egypt, which very quickly, were imitated by his courtesans. The hairstyles, wigs, milk baths, the stylized silhouettes, everything was part of a culture where the spiritual, art, religion and science were of fundamental importance. Special attention deserve the hair, skin and eyes. The hair is dyed with henna, getting a thousand nuances embodied or shaved completely to facilitate the continuous changes of wigs, very sophisticated. The eyes are highlighted in black, enlarged and softened its natural form. The carmine lips, white to subtract resiliency in the face, red-orange cheeks, products were extracted from plants and shrubs. They used Antimony to change the color of blue and green eyes, enhancing eyelashes much more. The two Egyptian queens that more marked for their beauty and secrets were Nefertiti and Cleopatra. Nefertiti is reminded for her stylized silhouette yet, despite having had six children, is she who extended the trend of green for the eyes. The beautiful bust of the queen, wife of pharaoh Amenhotep IV is kept in superb condition at a museum in Berlin. Cleopatra was the woman that was held more secrets about caring for her beauty, her masks, makeup and bath milk passed the history.
Greece: The Cult of Beauty.
Greece: The Cult of Beauty.
Greece was a civilization of beauty. This has been its influence on subsequent Western culture that its culture and its art have set the ideal so-called classical of beauty. They were, in contrast to the Egyptians, all social classes who shared this concern for aesthetics. They took this taste for beauty so extreme that, in one of their books, Apollonius of Herophilus explains that "Athens had not ugly or old women." In fact, it was the Greeks who spread through Europe large numbers of beauty products, cosmetic formulas, as the cult of the body and the bathrooms, ultimately the concept of beauty. The greatest attention to the care of the body. The canons of the Greece beauty did not tolerate or fat or large breasts. It was necessary to cultivate the body for to achieve aesthetic perfection that was to also have small breasts and strong, have a slim and sleek neck and shoulders provided. In the bathrooms was where this love for the care of the body took place. the physical exercises prepare the body for the bathroom that was usually with cold water. Also the massages had an important role, along with shower and gymnastics exercises, ensure that the body would not have any trace of fat and to maintain the slender figure and skin smooth. Cosmetics in Greece, lived a splendid time, especially oils. These are extracted from flowers and are used in addition to aesthetic, the religious acts, sports and everyday life. The fragrant oils are applied after the bath or massage and elaborated of many different flowers, roses, jasmine, thyme, etc., And its manufacture was concentrated in Cyprus, Rhodes and Corinth. The hair is carefully tended and elaborated dyes with natural extracts. The makeup of the Athens women was based on the color black and blue for the eyes, her cheeks colored with carmine and lips and nails painted and unique tone. It was felt that the color of the skin should be pale, as it was clear reflection of passion. But not only Greek women and men had this concern about of aesthetics. Their gods are also seeking the ideal of beauty. The figure of the goddess Aphrodite Cridona we played it at the time that is eager to enter the bathroom.
Rome: Followers of the Greek aesthetic traditions. In the Roman Empire the beauty constituted a real authentic obsession . Men and women treasured formulas for cosmetics, they makeup, combed and depilated alike. Baths and massages, hairstyles and clothes or the body care were not exclusively female, so all the Romans wanted to beautify and care. But, unlike Greece, there was no single ideal of beauty, as the successive conquests of the Roman Empire gathered disparate influences of the peoples dominated. An example is the "madness" of the Roman women for to be blond. It happened around the conquest by Julius Caesar in the Germanic territories. The slaves brought with him was struck by the color of her hair and her skin. With great speed circulated in Rome ointments and formulas to change color, usually dark, skin and hair of the Roman women. In Egypt and Greece began the custom of having slaves dedicated to the cultivation of the beauty of their love. This custom was more pronounced in the Roman era and the slaves specialized in specific topics: bath, makeup, hairdos, etc.. Roman stand by dedicating special attention to the headgear. Sophisticated and baroque to the unbelievable, made with precious materials considered. Beads, fabric, flowers, embroidered mesh, were manipulated to achieve the most refined touched. The popularization of the shower, went so far as building in Rome, the famous Baths of Caracalla, with capacity for six hundred thousand bathers, or even greater thermal baths of Diocletian, they could simultaneously accommodate three thousand bathers. Only in the fourth century Rome had nine establishments of thermal baths.
East: The Aesthetics sensitive Fantasy.
Rome: Followers of the Greek aesthetic traditions. In the Roman Empire the beauty constituted a real authentic obsession . Men and women treasured formulas for cosmetics, they makeup, combed and depilated alike. Baths and massages, hairstyles and clothes or the body care were not exclusively female, so all the Romans wanted to beautify and care. But, unlike Greece, there was no single ideal of beauty, as the successive conquests of the Roman Empire gathered disparate influences of the peoples dominated. An example is the "madness" of the Roman women for to be blond. It happened around the conquest by Julius Caesar in the Germanic territories. The slaves brought with him was struck by the color of her hair and her skin. With great speed circulated in Rome ointments and formulas to change color, usually dark, skin and hair of the Roman women. In Egypt and Greece began the custom of having slaves dedicated to the cultivation of the beauty of their love. This custom was more pronounced in the Roman era and the slaves specialized in specific topics: bath, makeup, hairdos, etc.. Roman stand by dedicating special attention to the headgear. Sophisticated and baroque to the unbelievable, made with precious materials considered. Beads, fabric, flowers, embroidered mesh, were manipulated to achieve the most refined touched. The popularization of the shower, went so far as building in Rome, the famous Baths of Caracalla, with capacity for six hundred thousand bathers, or even greater thermal baths of Diocletian, they could simultaneously accommodate three thousand bathers. Only in the fourth century Rome had nine establishments of thermal baths.
East: The Aesthetics sensitive Fantasy.
India: This vast and complex country is very rich in raw materials for aesthetics. Beauty products have been used in India since immemorial time in religious rituals and in everyday life, without having experiment significant evolution. The flowers, the kohol and saffron powders are used every day and even today in this country children paint their eyes with kohol for their disinfectants powers. In one of the oldest books about medicine in the world, the "Susruta," explains beauticians with scented oils, among many other recipes of vegetables extracts devote to the aesthetics.
China: China`s cosmetics has as in many other respects, a very old tradition. Its aesthetic cannons was based on a delicately-up woman and with a skin care to the fullest. The makeup consisted fine powder pink, red or orange colors and the eyes are highlighted with china ink sticks spreads. The skin is treated with creams made with fruit pulps, tea oils or animal fats . The perfumes come from flowers - jasmine, musk, camelias - or aromatic woods such as patchouli. Poetry and Chinese art in general have reflected at length this delicate attention of Chinese women to aesthetics.
Japan: The country's "Rising Sun" picked up many influences of the beauty and cosmetics china. Body care in Japan is closely linked to religious life, so that men and women of this country have had always in appreciation the world of aesthetics. Oil, safflower pigments and powders are some of the products that the women used for their beauty. Ink china embellished their eyes too. The hair was treated with the utmost care since, have black, bright and large hair, was symbol of great beauty. Japanese painting of all the centuries has made clear sample of women who dedicate their mimes to the beauty of body and skin.
The twentieth Century to Present: The Integral Aesthetics. In these two centuries, historical events of a part and the evolution of science of the other, marked the successive aesthetic changes of women. It was only in the early twentieth century when women wore long and wide dresses, and yet ... We seem so far away! Pallor of the ladies who wanted to get tan at all costs, that with the same obsession is desired today, have gone little over forty years. Decades of glory have occurred rapidly at times of crisis, major wars. Social changes have been hasty, and with them the fashion and aesthetics, which are tailored to each new period. What once stood for decades now lasts a few years. In the eternal necessity of beauty in the feminine world have joined the science and a new life system in which is impossible to separate daily activity of the personal aspect. Women today have in front them a world that never before could have been suspect for the high level of scientific knowledge have helped and will help enormously to improve the work of the beautician. of one part, to learn more about the origins and causes of many problems of the body, is easy to apply treatments to resolve. In addition, skills are currently needed in the Institutes of Beauty, as they are essential to implement all kinds of treatments. The vast majority of processing in a Beauty Institute require the close collaboration of the aesthetic with the scientific procedures. Since the cleaning of skin with steam or ozone UV applications, the incorporation of many laser treatments, or anti-cellulite treatments with high technology, we see how the current aesthetic and virtually all land is indispensable to the implementation of scientific techniques of the first order. The elements of service and comfort must be based on three fundamental rules: harmony, cleanliness and hygiene.
China: China`s cosmetics has as in many other respects, a very old tradition. Its aesthetic cannons was based on a delicately-up woman and with a skin care to the fullest. The makeup consisted fine powder pink, red or orange colors and the eyes are highlighted with china ink sticks spreads. The skin is treated with creams made with fruit pulps, tea oils or animal fats . The perfumes come from flowers - jasmine, musk, camelias - or aromatic woods such as patchouli. Poetry and Chinese art in general have reflected at length this delicate attention of Chinese women to aesthetics.
Japan: The country's "Rising Sun" picked up many influences of the beauty and cosmetics china. Body care in Japan is closely linked to religious life, so that men and women of this country have had always in appreciation the world of aesthetics. Oil, safflower pigments and powders are some of the products that the women used for their beauty. Ink china embellished their eyes too. The hair was treated with the utmost care since, have black, bright and large hair, was symbol of great beauty. Japanese painting of all the centuries has made clear sample of women who dedicate their mimes to the beauty of body and skin.
The twentieth Century to Present: The Integral Aesthetics. In these two centuries, historical events of a part and the evolution of science of the other, marked the successive aesthetic changes of women. It was only in the early twentieth century when women wore long and wide dresses, and yet ... We seem so far away! Pallor of the ladies who wanted to get tan at all costs, that with the same obsession is desired today, have gone little over forty years. Decades of glory have occurred rapidly at times of crisis, major wars. Social changes have been hasty, and with them the fashion and aesthetics, which are tailored to each new period. What once stood for decades now lasts a few years. In the eternal necessity of beauty in the feminine world have joined the science and a new life system in which is impossible to separate daily activity of the personal aspect. Women today have in front them a world that never before could have been suspect for the high level of scientific knowledge have helped and will help enormously to improve the work of the beautician. of one part, to learn more about the origins and causes of many problems of the body, is easy to apply treatments to resolve. In addition, skills are currently needed in the Institutes of Beauty, as they are essential to implement all kinds of treatments. The vast majority of processing in a Beauty Institute require the close collaboration of the aesthetic with the scientific procedures. Since the cleaning of skin with steam or ozone UV applications, the incorporation of many laser treatments, or anti-cellulite treatments with high technology, we see how the current aesthetic and virtually all land is indispensable to the implementation of scientific techniques of the first order. The elements of service and comfort must be based on three fundamental rules: harmony, cleanliness and hygiene.
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