(Guidance service on the use the colloids, attended by:
Ihoana Álvarez Castro Herbologist FUNIBA)
Colloidal Silver: It is a potent antibiotic broad-spectrum that inactivates an enzyme that all unicellular organisms (bacteria, fungi and viruses) use to absorb oxygen, thus causing their suffocation in 6 minutes or less by contact; it is known that the organism causing the disease can not live in the presence of microscopic particles of silver. It seems incredible, but it is proved, the most destroying germs lose the battle in the presence of colloidal silver used internally and externally. In addition, properly prepared, colloidal silver is not toxic, being safe for children and adults as well as animals and plants. Moreover, than to overcome a disease, it should be taken daily as a general preventive ."The colloidal silver is a natural agent that kills bacteria, viruses, microbes and fungi that are cause all sorts of diseases. The colloidal silver demostrates to be one of the best resources that the public has to protect itself in the current global health crisis "
Zane Baranousky N.C.
The Association for advanced Colloidal Research
Colloidal Copper: Rejuvenates the skin, removes wrinkles, restores hair color, it´s useful for varicose veins, purifies the blood, cleans arteries, prevents the aneurysm, these are some applications for good health; Copper is an essential micro-nutrient. Is required for the formation of red blood cells, protein´s metabolism, the production of RNA, enzyme activity, the color of hair and skin and nervous system health. Colloidal Copper is a great help to health and beauty, a brain stimulant, a purifier and cleanser of arteries and blood, an antioxidant and stimulates the production of collagen. As brain stimulant it is unmatched excepting gold to increase the intellectual ratio (IQ). According to observations, when the copper is taken orally under the tongue, thought shows to accelerate clearly synapses in the brain. With all this amount of data, it can be called the "Fountain of Youth."
"" What's common between an aneurysm, the gray hair and wrinkles of the skin? The deficiency of copper in the body."
Dr. Joel Wallach M.D.
Colloidal Gold: The gold was used in a general way in the U.S. to cure alcoholism (then it was called dipsomania, defined as the uncontrollable desire for alcoholic liquor) and today is used to reduce dependency of alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and carbohydrates. The gold has a balancing and correspondence effect on the levels of body,soul and mind. Used to improve the attitude and treat states of mental and emotional instability such as depression, melancholy, grief, fear, despair, anguish, frustration, tendency to suicide, unintended affective disorders, poor memory and concentration and many other mental and spiritual imbalances . The colloidal gold increases energy. It also improves the lack of attention and power of will.
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