Sunday, July 5, 2009

Natural Cosmetics

Natural Cosmetics health & beauty

Natural cosmetics should be composed, at a rate above 90% by raw materials of natural origin. Natural cosmetics have a presentation, color and smell different from the conventional chemical cosmetics.
Since there is currently no clear or universal criteria on what are considered natural cosmetics,
health & beauty considers important and essential, the following concepts:

The consumer can not expect the same presentation, texture, color and odor of natural cosmetics than in the conventional chemical cosmetics. We can not demand or expect integral bread to be white. We can not demand natural cosmetics if we are not ready to assume changes in raw materials that compose it and are always changing in composition, texture, color, etc.. We can not demand the same life to a product preserved with much more smoother and natural substances than to a cosmetic preserved with hard-chemistry.
It is important that all who claim to produce cosmetics give objective information to consumers. However, health & beauty is interested in achieving aromas, textures and images that go in line with our sensory pleasures.